I've ridden it! Finally, after much hassle and aggravation, it's on the road! After swapping out almost every piece of the ignition system, I isolated the gremlins to the carbs. Turns out I needed a much richer mix through the carbs than normal, likely due to my aftermarket exhaust system. My first highway ride was a fairly short one, only about 23 miles through back country roads void of any traffic other than my friends on their 76 Goldwing as escorts. The bike performed very favorably. It'll take some fine tuning, but things went much better at highway speeds than I ever guessed. It was a fun time to say the least!

I'll be taking the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Beginner's Class at the very end of July, and I'll be looking forward to the professional instruction very much. In the meantime I'll be riding as much as possible, properly escorted of course. It's a powerful thing to be respected, but at the same time, it's a whole lot of fun too! It's not done, but it's riding. What a long strange trip indeed!

Best to all!

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