These were taken August 28, 2003. This is the teardown of the red "good" bike. In comparison to the blue bike's tear down, this one went exceedingly well. I didn't encounter anywhere near the number of badly frozen bolts or obviously rusted out parts. I should clarify, these bikes were not completely disassembled for many weeks. I removed the engines the following day with little problem other than some spilled gasoline on my living room rug. It took months for that spot to go away. I eventually got it all apart. The hardest part was the castelated nut on the rear axle from the blue bike. In the end it held strong to penetrating oils, wrenches, breaker bars, and a blowtorch. It fell at the expense of a few Dremel cut wheels.

The bike sat in pieces for the majority of the Winter of 2004, but in February I was financially able to get things going again. So, I called the powder coater...

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